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Silicone rubber products Ji

Silicone rubber products Ji

Silicone rubber products are made of methyl vinyl silicone rubber as the base rubber, adding various fillers (reinforcing agent, heat-resistant agent, modifier, etc.) through production processes such as mixing, thinning, filtration, sulfur addition, molding, extrusion and bonding. Silicone rubber products are the activities of producing various silicone rubber products with silicone and rubber as the main raw materials. Silicone rubber products are closely related to peoples life. Remote controls, keyboards, POS machines, scanners, mobile phones, electronic dictionaries, mobile phone covers, etc. are all related to silicone rubber products. Inspection process Composition inspection CE process of silicone rubber products: through five processes of sample evaluation, sample separation, instrument analysis, expert spectrum interpretation and secondary verification, more than 10 large and small instruments such as NMR analysis, XRD / XRF, IR analyzer and GC-MS are combined to obtain the s

  • 04
    Silicone rubber products Ji

    Silicone rubber products are made of methyl vinyl silicone rubber as the base rubber, adding various fillers (reinforcing agent, heat-resistant agent, modifier, etc.) through production processes such as mixing, thinning, filtration, sulfur addition, molding, extrusion and bonding. Silicone rubber products are the activities of producing various silicone rubber products with silicone and rubber as the main raw materials. Silicone rubber products are closely related to peoples life. Remote controls, keyboards, POS machines, scanners, mobile phones, electronic dictionaries, mobile phone covers, ...

  • 04
    How to select heat conducting silica gel sheet

    When selecting thermal conductive silicone film gk0579, we should not only consider the thermal conductivity, but also consider the key factors such as interface contact thermal resistance and oil yield. For example, the thermal conductivity of silica gel gk0579 itself is high, but the contact thermal resistance is high, so the thermal conductivity is not necessarily good. A key factor affecting the contact thermal resistance is the softness of the thermal conductive silicon film. If the material is soft, the adhesion is good, and the contact thermal resistance of the interface is naturally lo...

  • 04
    Introduction to thermal conductive materials in the market

    When it comes to cooling systems, many people think of fans and fins. In fact, they ignore a medium that is not impressive but plays an important role - heat conducting medium. Computer CPU is a typical power device that needs good heat dissipation. Lets talk about heat conduction materials. I hope you can discuss and express your own experience and views on heat dissipation of various power devices. Why do you need heat conduction media? Some people may think that the surface of CPU or the bottom of heat sink are smooth, and there is no need for heat conduction media between them. This view is...
